KPTech Managed Services Essentials (MSE2) Info Sheet – November 2024

Phone & Remote Support Information

KPTech have locally employed support staff ready to take your support requests from 8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday. (excluding public holidays etc, weekend and after hours is by appointment only and not included)

Simply email with your problem and the next available technician will work on your request. This is the most important step for getting timely support.

We suggest you restart the computer and replicate the problem (if possible) before you request support.

You will receive an email from advising we have received your support request, and a ticket number will be provided to you. You can update this ticket in future with any further info or updates you may have by clicking REPLY to the same email we send you.

After your initial email, you can call 1300 303 173 and talk directly to a tech support person ONLY when the issue is urgent or timing is critical. (Or if you can’t email of course!)

KP Tech will then contact you to arrange access to your computer remotely over the internet to fix any issues you may have. The computer must be on, and internet connected for this to occur.


Automated Maintenance – Patch Management

Many viruses use opportunities that buggy software provides to infect your computers. As software is released, it can often take days or weeks, months or even years before errors and mistakes are fixed via updates. KPTech install an agent (software) on your computer(s) so that we can remote into your computer when you need assistance (Splashtop) and also manage updates and patching on your computer to keep it secure. Our agent scans your versions of software and picks the updates required to install. KPTech will automatically process Windows updates and patches, as well as Office, Adobe Reader, VLC, 7zip, Chrome and Firefox (where possible) updates and a further 200+ common applications. This will mean that your computer needs to be on (not in sleep or hibernate mode) between Wednesday nights 7pm and Thursday mornings around 5am. If the computer is off, the process will not occur. If this occurs for more than a few weeks in a row, your computer(s) will be more susceptible to infection, and potentially not run as well as it could.

During the update, your computer will work slower as we determine what updates need to be applied. It is important you do not have programs running and files open during this time, as a reboot normally occurs during the patching process, and we cannot take any responsibility for files you left open and didn’t save before the reboot.

Patch management is crucial in protecting a computer from virus infections, and out-of-date software is often more responsible for mass virus outbreaks than having free or poor antivirus software. As a security strategy, antivirus software is merely one layer of as many as 7 layers that can be implemented for the most effective security.

Managed Anti-Virus Information

KPTech install commercial grade antivirus software with EDR protection. A Ransomware Detection tool is also installed as an additional layer of security. One point to make however is that running antivirus software alone will not protect you from everything that can infect your computer. For true protection, it is a layered approach, tackling multiple aspects of exposure (7+ layers), including frequent patching/updates, perimeter UTM firewalls, enhanced ATP mail filtering, custom modification of email backend systems, application whitelisting and user education – i.e training on what to do, and what not to do. Some of these services can be added to your agreement. No one provides a guarantee that antivirus software will stop 100% of infections, and infection clean-up is not covered under any agreement at KPTech.

Our antivirus software is always up to date as it uses cloud data centres to instantly protect you from new threats. (We don’t download definition updates like older (now) ineffective antivirus software – i.e free/cheap AV software)

Financial Investment & Discounted Support

The monthly fixed fee for up to 5 computers is $110 inc GST per month. (Price is fixed for 1 PC up to 5 PC’s – considering you are getting 1hr of labour worth over $180 – it’s a decent offer even for 1 PC)

The setup fee for MSE is $66 inc GST per PC. This fee covers installing and configuring our software including antivirus and backup. Virus removal is additional cost if infections are present.

6 or more PC’s are $28.60 inc GST per month each. (The 1hr allocation does not increase if more PCs are added)

Monitoring and maintenance covers computers only, but to provide a more proactive service, you can add peripherals and devices to your agreement from $16.50 inc GST per device plus a small setup fee. We recommend adding critical devices like routers, printers, UPS and firewalls – devices that require firmware updates and driver updates to reduce interruptions and downtime and more importantly increase security. Your included 1 hour can cover these requirements during a month but will use up your time if a security update is required. Security updates are given priority before phone and remote support.

As part of your monthly support allocation of 1 hour included, KPTech can assist with all of your problems in relation to your computer(s), internet, wireless, printing, storage, office software, virus issues and more. Our normal support rate for labour is $181.50 inc GST per hour, but clients who are on a Managed Services agreement only pay $159.50 inc GST per hour! Please note that your agreement includes support we do over the phone or remotely.

If you bring to and pick up the equipment to and from our office in Modbury North, we only charge $126.50 inc GST per hour and if we need to visit you onsite, it will be $159.50 inc GST per hour plus $55 inc GST per hour for travel to you and travel back to our office in Hope Valley. (Workshop and onsite labour is NOT included in your MSE 1 hour allocation)

On the 1st of each month, you will receive an invoice for that current month support. (Unless you are on upfront yearly billing). If you consume your monthly support allocation before the next month, KPTech will invoice the additional labour at a discounted $159.50 inc GST per hour. (You will receive an email when your allocation gets low)

Your 1 hour of support doesn’t roll over to the next month if unused, and time is rounded up in 9 min blocks.

MSE agreements have a minimum 3 month term (then rolling month to month), and 2 month cancellation notice (must be in writing, email . There is no prorata billing discount for stopping of agreements during the month, only prorata for starting agreements.

Monthly payments are direct debited from credit card (Amex 2.2%, V/MC 1.7%) or bank account (no admin fee) 7 days after invoice date. Any additional invoices will be settled by the same method automatically.