Does your business have a firewall?

Everyone knows that antivirus protection is important for your computers, but what is protecting your entire network even before a piece of software, or worse – a hacker, can infect your computer or breach your network?

And if you have enquired about Cyber Insurance recently – one key question they ask is what firewall perimiter protection do you have in place.

Sophos have been part of the cyber security game since 1985. KPTech have been partners for over 15 years, originally selling Cyberoam, and then Sophos XG and now Sophos XGS UTM firewalls to our clients of all sizes.

Stopping threats at the door is much more secure than trying to push the threat out the door when they are already in your network. Often, by this time, it’s too late.

Traditionally, firewalls have been one of the most expensive components of your cyber security layers, but KPTech can offer you a smaller monthly investment plan that gives you maximum protection for minimal upfront outlay!

If you dont have a firewall protecting your network, we seriously think it’s time you add this critical layer of protection into your cyber security stack.

Call us today onĀ 1300 303 173 and find out how KPTech Cyber Security Solutions can help save your business!